


Access ABOARD College’s library to browse through the recent updates on resources/texts available to loan. You can reserve a resource by contacting ABOARD admin staff , and we will keep it ready for you to pick-up.

As an ABOARD College student, you will have access to a vast range of information resources and services, including online and electronic resources.

ABOARD College has a growing library with a range of reference materials including:

  • Books, magazines, DVDs and other resource materials
  • e-resources, including e-books and e-journals
  • Lists of recommended websites and resources for ABOARD College courses
  • Access to computers
  • Access to the internet for study and assignments preparation
  • Individual and group study facilities
  • Photocopying and printing services

ABOARD College is also in the process of negotiating inter-library loans and online reference database subscriptions.

Our dedicated admin staff can help you to locate resources, access library facilities, information services, and a range of online support services.

Contact us
Level 4, 213 Lonsdale St, MELBOURNE VIC 3000, Australia.

© Copyright Aboard Training Australia 2024. ABN – 99 11089 7795, RTO: 31500, CRICOS – 03881D