Enrollment and Orientation


It is compulsory for you to finalise your enrolment by registering at Aboard Training before commencing your course. To register you must bring your passport and CoE letter. If you wish to have credit transferred from previous studies, you also need to bring your original documents to be sighted and photocopied for our records.

Also, please note that, if you have not enrolled in your course within 14 days of the commencement date indicated on your CoE, Aboard Training is required, by law, to cancel your CoE.

Please note that you are required to complete your address and emergency contact details and to inform Aboard Training of any changes, as it is a condition of your study visa. Failure to do so is a breach of one of the conditions of your student visa and can result in your visa’s cancellation.

Class Times and Orientation

Classes at Aboard Training are generally run according to individual class timings over a period of two and half day a week. You need to find out your scheduled class days at the time of their enrolment.

Orientation is conducted on the first day of the course. During Orientation, you will be introduced to Aboard Training staff, be fully informed of most aspects of life at Aboard Training, provided with useful information on Melbourne and be given opportunities to ask questions.

Contact us
Level 4, 213 Lonsdale St, MELBOURNE VIC 3000, Australia.

© Copyright Aboard Training Australia 2024. ABN – 99 11089 7795, RTO: 31500, CRICOS – 03881D