Diploma of Automotive Technology


AUR50216 Diploma of Automotive Technology

Course Overview
Course Location Classes: Level 4 213 Lonsdale St, Melbourne
VIC 3000

Practicals: 363-379 Mt Alexander Rd, ASCOT VALE, VIC, 3032

Course Duration 52 Weeks (Including Holidays)
Fees and Charges Application Fees $250

Tuition Fees : $12,000

Delivery Mode Face to Face
Entry Requirements 1. Be at least 18 years of age.

2. Have an IELTS score of 5.5 or equivalent (test results must be no more than 2 years old) with 5.0 in each band.

3. Certificate IV qualification in one of the given disciplines or be able to demonstrate equivalent competency.

Detailed Overview

This qualification covers the skills and knowledge required to diagnose, analyse, evaluate, design, and modify automotive electrical and mechanical systems. It is suitable for those working in the automotive service and repair industry at the forefront of the implementation of new technologies.

The course covers the skills and knowledge required to diagnose, analyse, evaluate, design, and modify automotive, electrical, and mechanical systems. Students will also study a range of topics around environmental, customer service, and personal development areas.

Course Details: https://training.gov.au/Training/Details/AUR50216

Entry Requirements

This course has the following entry requirements:

  •  Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Have an IELTS score of 5.5 or equivalent (test results must be no more than 2 years old) with 5.0 in each band.
  •  Those undertaking the Diploma of Automotive Technology must have completed an automotive Certificate IV qualification in one of the following disciplines or be able to demonstrate equivalent competency.

Candidates will also be required to complete a pre‐enrolment Candidate Self‐Assessment as part of the application and participate in a course entry interview todetermine suitability for the course.

Course Duration

One (1.0) year full time

Total Duration: 52 Weeks (including holidays)

Contact Weeks: 40 Weeks

This course will be delivered over a period of 52 weeks (including holidays). Classes will be schedules for 40 weeks over 4 academic terms of 10 weeks each. There will be a 2‐week break between the terms and a 6‐week holiday end of the year.

Class and workshop sessions are planned to ensure that students have a mixture of practical and theoretical components and those classes cater for a wide variety of learning styles. Additionally, workplace practices and environments are simulated and used to conduct skills‐based assessments in accordance with unit requirements. Classes will be scheduled for 20 hours per week, including workshop work and practice.

Delivery mode and location

This course will be delivered face‐to‐face in a classroom and auto workshop‐based setting which includes the simulation of workplace‐based environment. This course does not have work placement requirements. However, students will be working in a training automotive workshop (simulated environment).

The course will be delivered in our Melbourne campus and Dandenong workshop;


Level 4 213 Lonsdale St, Melbourne
VIC 3000


363-379 Mt Alexander Rd, Ascot Vale
VIC 3032

Career Outcomes

Students who complete this course may be able to seek employment in a range leadership and management roles such as;

  • Advanced diagnostic technician
  • Automotive system designer
Education Pathways

Further training pathways from this qualification may lead to a relevant Advanced Diploma qualification.

Course progress

Students are required to attend the scheduled classes (20 hours per week) and maintain a satisfactory academic performance as per Aboard’s Course Progress Policy. Students who are identified as being at risk of not meeting course progress requirements and completing the course in the expected duration will be subject to college’s intervention strategy and provided support.

More information can be found in the student handbook and the policy available on college’s website.

Enrolment and Orientation

Upon acceptance of a student’s application for enrolment, a letter of offer, as well as a written agreement and tax invoice for pre‐paid fees, will be forwarded to
students. Students must read through all provided information prior to signing the agreement. A Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) letter will be issued once the
signed acceptance of the offer and written agreement are received.

The first day of each course will include orientation and induction. Orientation will include information about the campus, living in Australia, accessing our support services and methods for achieving success throughout the course, including course progress requirements.

Detailed admission and enrolment process are provided on college’s website.

Training Arrangements

Students are required to attend classes for 20 hours a week and complete approximately 10 hours of homework/assignment/project work and self‐study per week which consists of readings and research for assessments. Term timetables will be posted on notice boards and emailed to students at least one week prior to the start of the term.

Students will also need to attend the workshop for practical tasks. Timetables will be provided for classroom and workshop hours and schedule.

Assessment Methods

Assessment methods used for this qualification will provide a range of ways for individuals to demonstrate that they have met the required outcomes including:

  • Written tasks
  • Practicals (Workshop‐based)
  • Roleplay tasks
  • Presentations
  • Observations
  • Questioning (oral or written)

At the beginning of each unit, trainers will outline the assessment tasks that must be completed and provide assessment schedule and conditions. Assessment tasks may individual or team‐based tasks. Demonstration of skills and performance will be observed by the assessor under the required conditions.

Course Enrolment and Tuition Fee

Enrolment and Tuition fees of this course are as follows (Australian Dollar):

Enrolment fee: $250 (non‐refundable to be paid on application)

Tuition fee: $12,000

The tuition fee shall not change for the duration of the course.

Other non‐tuition fees may apply (e.g., Materials Fee)

International students are also required to take out Overseas Health Insurance Cover (OSHC) before arriving in Australia. OSHC information will also be included in the Student Agreement.

For more information on OHSC, visit, https://www.privatehealth.gov.au/health_insurance/overseas/overseas_student_health_cover.htm

All non‐tuition fees shall be listed in Student Agreement and Aboard’s Annual Fee Schedule, available from college’s website.

For fee refund information and procedure, refer to college’s Fee Refund Policy and Procedure available in the Student Agreement, college website and Student Handbook. The policy can also be requested from student’s services:

A detailed payment plan and payment arrangements are provided in the letter of offer and written agreement. Course fees do not include computer software or
textbooks which are to be purchased at the student’s own cost. Non‐payment of course fees may result in cancellation of enrolment.

Other Requirements

Students must also supply their own laptop or a similar device with Microsoft Office software e.g., Office 365 Personal that includes Outlook, Word, Excel,
PowerPoint & Publisher.

Additional costs associated with living in Australia are outlined in the International Student Handbook. Students should carefully review these costs in relation to budgeting.

Further information can be found at https://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au/english/live‐in‐australia/living‐costs.

Course Credit

Students may apply for recognition of existing qualifications or skills, knowledge and experience (credit transfer or recognition of prior learning) at the time of enrolment or at any time during their enrolment (prior to the commencement of the relevant unit/s of  competency).

For international students, the granting of course credit may affect course fees as well as the duration of the course. The result of an application for credit and any changes to fees or course duration will be advised to students in writing.

If course credit is granted following issuance of the Confirmation of Enrolment, students will receive a new Confirmation of Enrolment showing a reduced duration.
For any questions about course credit, contact us at the details shown below.

Course Structure
AUR50216 Diploma of Automotive Technology
AURAFA007 Develop and document specifications and procedures Core
AURETB002 Analyse and evaluate electrical and electronic faults in dynamic control management systems Elective
AURETE001 Analyse and evaluate electrical and electronic faults in engine management systems Elective
AURETX001 Analyse and evaluate electrical and electronic faults in driveline management systems Elective
AURLTD5007 Analyse and evaluate faults in light vehicle steering and suspension systems Elective
AURLTE003 Analyse and evaluate faults in light vehicle engine and fuel systems Elective
AURTNA001 Estimate and quote automotive vehicle or machinery modifications Elective
AURTTA022 Develop and apply mechanical system modifications Elective
AURAFA006 Conduct research and present technical reports Elective
AURVNA007 Apply automotive mechanical and electrical knowledge to vehicle loss assessments Elective
BSBOPS505 Manage organisational customer service Elective
BSBHRM413 Support the learning and development of teams and individuals Elective
Contact us
Level 4, 213 Lonsdale St, MELBOURNE VIC 3000, Australia.

© Copyright Aboard Training Australia 2024. ABN – 99 11089 7795, RTO: 31500, CRICOS – 03881D